Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Intent of this blog

Sims 3 has become my place of escape from the stress and woes of real life. When things get overwhelming, I turn to my Sims to keep me entertained and sane. No, not really healthy to run away from life's issues, but at least in Sims I have moderate control over what happens and can change and manipulate their paths much more easily that I can my own {and I feel less guilty in my decisions AND they don't talk back and aren't judgmental, hehe.}.

I've only been playing Sims 3 since Sept of this year, but jumped head-first into it. This blog, I'm really not sure about, as I've started and stopped {just failed at continuing} so many in the past. Thought I might give it another go just because I need another outlet {more like another excuse to procrastinate} and perhaps my Simmies want to come out into the world and be known by people other than me.

This is probably not of importance, but for the curious, I have all SPs, EPs (up to Into The Future), and worlds (up to Roaring Heights) installed, game is update to 1.63, added A LOT of CCs and mods {and crap, I really should delete}, including, but not limited to, those at NRAAS by Twallan and AwesomeMod over at the MoreAwesomeThanYou forum. I'm a sucker for adding new things to my game, though my computer thanks me by taking forever to load things and crashes every now and again when my paging file gets too big. I'm kicking myself for not getting the computer that had 3x as much RAM as this one does, but I was intrigued by the touchscreen of this one and hated the tower of the other one, plus it would have cost me more because I would have had to buy a monitor separately whereas this one is an all-in-one. :D... funny though because I never use the "touch" feature of my screen because I still use my mouse and keyboard AND I hate getting fingerprints all over it. Ho hum, live/learn. And yes, I go off on tangents - and love these little "{}" encased side-notes - quite often. {I need to get more thumb drives, LOL, I have two in USB ports and a SD card used for ReadyBoost - if you don't know what that is, Google is your friend - and that's still not enough to keep my game going when it gets large.}

I may post what mods I have installed at some point, but not now. Plus I merged quite a few of them and didn't take notes on what I put in there, I really wish I had {Tip: if you're thinking of merging your packages be sure to make a list of what you put in there when you put it in there, along with the version, and date added... just in case.}

Moving on... I'm not really good at posting images {you'd think I would be, being a photographer and former web designer by trade}, but "intend" on doing my best to make this blog a little more eye-friendly than the bunch of gibberish that I'll end up filling it with.  Plus I want to change this blog template eventually. Also, I used to be a pretty good writer - eloquent, poetic, fancy-smancy elaborator of mostly BS, but it's been so long that storyline stuff may be a challenge. Granted, I'm long-winded with written text, apparently, but that's not necessarily going to help me create interesting characters, plots and scenarios. I will try my best though. {Fact: My college English professor - way back when - gave me a compliment that always stuck with me - "you have a wonderful way of turning a phrase". Hopefully, I can regain that talent. My Art Prof also said on the back of a collage project "A++ you will go far" - however, at the time I thought she meant far in life, in success, heh, but the farthest I've gotten to this point is in distance. Never know though, I might one day have a wind-fall and my life would be changed, for the better, irrevocably - or so I would hope.}

Soon I'll talk about my Sims and the ones I plan on developing with certain challenges, as well as some custom careers I'm building, etc.

Sim-u-later! {Haha, I know, such a dwerpy closing, but I like it.}

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