It was pretty empty there so he decided to stop at the food stand and get himself a plate of chili cheese fries! Yum!
We're really not sure he's having much fun, but hopefully some more people show up during the day so he won't feel as awkward.
Back at the PS House, we left the toilets in after all - two are now in need of repair and the other two are filthy. One of the showers is in need of a good scrubbing as well. If they don't learn a lesson soon, they're going to be out of functional bathroom fixtures.
[Where were these sims raised??? Geez, animals are cleaner than they are.]
Instead of removing the toilets, we're going with another mini-challenge. On an inaccessible part of the roof we placed a chin-up bar, a treadmill, and a workout bench. The three who got the least amount of points from the last mini challenge will be teleported to that area, in whatever state of motives they are in at the time. No maxing motives for these three (though we did deem it necessary to give them a stress reliever pill, since they all had high levels of stress). We're not monsters, we know they have to eat, so placed a mini fridge and a stool up there too.
Des, Betti, and Nick all got zero points yesterday, so they will be the ones to be placed in this challenge.
We call this the Roof Gym Challenge. They will have to stay on the roof as long as they can (or until the game resets them) and whoever gains the most athletic points by the end of the night will be rewarded with lessons in handiness - SimGod help us if they don't take the initiative to fix broken things after they learn the handiness skills! The loser will be promptly eliminated from the house. We realize that the challenge and elimination are impromptu, but hey, we're making things up as we go along! In pilot seasons we can do that!
I'd say that so far it doesn't bode well for these three. Nick went to inspect the Excersinator, but just stands there looking at it, cracking his knuckles and thinking of gardening. Des went straight to the mini fridge and grabbed himself a bowl of cereal, and Betti just stands there looking at the chin-up bar occasionally sniffing herself (she's exuding a visible green putrid aroma, I'm about to gag).
We might end up throwing in the towel, some of the Strangersims are starting to show signs of a virus - and we have reason to believe, to our utter dismay, that it's Accidentitis. We would have preferred Laughter Riot, but from the sounds of it, more things are breaking in the house. We'll wait it out until the end of the night. If things don't improve, it looks like Day 5 will be spent at the Virologist's office getting them their immunizations and sending them ALL to handiness school.
In the meantime, no further activity from the roof gym other than some mild (and stinky) flirting from Betti to Nick and Betti peeing herself. Ah, those embarrassing moments...
Sam's working on his athletics though, practicing soccer! Got to love Sam! If only some of the others would show even a fraction of his drive.
Well, it's past midnight, Sam is back home, the festival was a bust, he tried to enter the pie eating contest, but being that he was the only contestant (only person at the festival other than the concession stand tenders), he didn't bother to stick around to wait for someone to show up and join him.
On the roof... Nick checked his PlumbBook a few times earning him a Social Networking skill, while Betti and Des flirted with one another. Not one of them approached or attempted to use the exercise equipment. We're going to leave them on the roof, ha! But getting tired of them standing around doing nothing, the producers have given the go ahead to zap them with max motives. (definitely crossing fingers hoping that helps motivate them).
And indeed, we're more than certain that Accidentitis has hit the PS House, so the virologist will be seeing us all tomorrow. [Yes, even the staff has to, I'm not looking forward to getting a shot :( ]
Day 5
All Strangersims got vaccinated, the house was thoroughly cleaned and everything repaired. We randomly choose 6 of the 12 to send to learn handiness and gain a level 2 or 3, all determined by #s 10, 4, 8, 6, 11, and 1 were chosen (Sam -3, Doug -2, Jenni -3, Sofia -2, Nick -3, Vadleany -3).

Bye-bye Des! He looks a little too happy to be eliminated, doesn't he?
We wrap up day 5 with Betti and Tim both having gained a level in Charisma. And close the night with Bach thinking he has Scarlet Fever.
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