My first thought would be if the food is black (and it's not naturally black, and not licorice - though I personally stay clear of licorice), then it's likely burnt. Not only that, but you would think that there would be a burnt smell as well. Sofia didn't feel like cooking her own breakfast, and apparently it didn't occur to her to get some cereal from the fridge - so what does she do? She picks up a plate of horrifying burnt waffles that Vadleany had made sometime during the early morning or the previous night. (Shaking my head. When these sims were made, they forgot to give them common sense!)
Preliminary ratings were handed to me this morning. It's not good. The Strangersims are by far too lazy without prompting and intervention, and now sir crazy moodlets are popping up everywhere. We're breaking the rules, but we're sending them out for another reward/elimination challenge.
Catch of the Day Challenge. We will randomly choose 9 to participate in this challenge, the remaining two will be exempt and will have to stay home to tend to the baby. The 9 will get to spend time at a fishing pond and will have to fish until they catch at least 5 fish or until end of the night - whichever comes first. At the end of the challenge we will sell the fish in their inventory and whoever makes the most money from their catch will be rewarded with a trip to the movies. The three who make the least will be put into the randomizer where we will choose our eliminated Strangersim.
Since Des was eliminated yesterday we took away one sleeping bag. Most of the Strangersims are still asleep and will be given until noon to get their needs taken care of (on their own) before we send them out to start fishing.
#8 and 6 were chosen to sit out the challenge - Jenni (How lucky was that! She gets to stay and bond with her baby), and Sofia (she dis-likes children, but did ok in the baby/toddler challenge, go figure).
Amy was thinking about splashing through the swampy pond instead of fishing. That's some tall grass out there, probably loaded with mosquitoes - ick.
Catch of the Day Challenge Scoreboard
Vadleany - 3 anchovies, 4 goldfish, 1 rainbow trout ~ $48
Betti - minnow, toad, goldfish ~ $19
Doug - 3 minnow, 1 goldfish, 1 toad ~ $30
Lucy - 2 goldfish ~ $13
Tim - 3 minnow, 2 goldfish, 1 rainbow trout ~ $36
Amy - 2 anchovies, 2 minnows, 1 goldfish ~ $27
Sam - 5 anchovies, 1 minnow ~ $31
Nick - minnow, goldfish ~ $11
Bach - 4 minnows ~ $20
Vadleany was the clear winner taking home 8 fish, totaling $48. Doug was the only one to get a Very Nice fish, so he gets a little props - Go Doug, you're awesome! Nick, Lucy, and Betti made the least amount for their fish and have been assigned these temporary numbers for the randomizer: Nick 1, 2, 3; Lucy 4, 5, 6; Betti 7, 8, 9.
And... the next to take that walk of shame home is #8 ~ Betti. The household is exhausted and most have gone straight to bed (or in Lucy's case, she didn't even make it home, she passed out across the street from the house - she's so peaceful-looking when asleep, isn't she?). We'll wait until tomorrow afternoon before making the announcement
Adieu Betti! You're uncleansiness will not be missed!
She wasn't happy to leave and though our cameras didn't pick it up, she actually flipped us off! Well, then!
Tomorrow is the last day of Week 1. We will send Vadleany out to a movie in the evening and will snap a photo then, but other than that during the entire day we're giving them a camera free day (We need the break more than they do!). We'll pick things up again on Sunday for the start of Week 2!
Two down but a lot to go.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad Sam is doing all right so far but he's handicapped when the art challenge comes along. Art and logic are definite weak points. He should breeze through any athletic stuff though. :D