Thursday, December 26, 2013

12 Perfect Strangers: Week 1 Day 1

You may have noticed that under each mini-profile we have "job sacrificed" - what does that mean? Well if the Strangersims had a job previous to contracting to be a part of 12 Perfect Strangers, they had to quit their job. Not only that, but as the title of the show says, they have to be perfect strangers. After some research, it has come to the attention of the staff that a couple of our town randoms know eachother - we were prepared for this to happen, so they will each be getting a simbrainwash (patent pending)- it's harmless and temporary (we believe), just think of it as a relationship reset. All inter-relationships in the household will be "reset" to zero.

Our first 9 Strangersims promise to bring a whole lot of drama and trouble to the house, let's see what fantastic traits our final 3 will bring to the table.

Sam Grant [644]* {sim by Nicarra60}
Age: 18 days until A

- Grumpy
- Athletic
- Slob
- Ambitious
- Charismatic
LTW: Fire Fighter Super Hero
Job sacrificed: Criminal Career Decoy
* Note: Sam will be a part of a 2nd challenge (The Clone Challenge) that I'll run silently in conjunction with this one. For more information on that challenge go here. This particular Sam is #644.

Nick Bowman
{recycled 3th generation sim from The Spades, now cured plantsim though currently his skin coloring has yet to fade and full-feature transition to human has yet to take effect.}
Age: 16 days until A
- Kleptomaniac
- Heavy Sleeper
- Handy
- Shy
- Vehicle Enthusiast
LTW: The Tinkerer
Job sacrificed:  Unemployed

Bach Saer

Age: 15 days until A  
- Diva
- Excitable
- Dramatic
- Hypochondriac
- Social Butterfly

LTW: Super Popular
Job sacrificed: Criminal Career Decoy

And there we have it, the 12 Strangersims that will live in the Perfect Strangers House for the next several weeks. Good luck to you all! (you're going to need it...)

I think it just hit them that they're about to enter into this crazy experience, as some of them look pretty nervous and worried. Here they are waiting for the official go-ahead.

As mentioned before, all relationship levels to housemates were reset to zero. Their moodlets and wishes were also all wiped clean, their motives have not been altered. They were allowed to keep whatever, if any, skills they had existing - which would be to their advantage if they did have any. They could keep their smartphone and cameras, if they had them, but had to sell their vehicles before coming to the PS House. Each were subliminally given a level 1 of the following skills (if they had it already, they were not given an additional level): painting, sculpting, athletic, logic, charisma.


Rather than resetting my game options for aging (it's set about medium), since it's 12+ sims weeks long, if/when they reach the last day of adulthood, their age will be reset to the beginning of that age stage.

I decided to leave all my mods intact, with the following Twallan (NRAAS) mods enabled and able to effect the PS House: Master Controller, Vector (accidentitis, laughter riot, I may add others as the challenge progresses), Woohooer (~autonomous; and removed the must be romantic for autonomous, kama simtra, risky~autonomous, romance~jealousy:medium, skinny dipping~privacy:false; try for a baby~autonomous:false; ), desensor, shooless (privacy~off). Also have Awesomemod installed, but don't think that will come into active play. Animated woohoo is another that I have that was set to autonomous (chance on flirt~30%, motive gain~normal, wish fulfillment~disabled, relationship loss on reject~enabled, relationship gain on woohoo~enabled, relationship test~enabled,

This week the Strangersims will get a chance to get to know one another. With nothing other than the household to interact with they are challenged to take advantage of this time and form relationships (and perhaps alliances) with each member - learning character strengths and weaknesses. No sims will be kicked out at the end of the week, but the one who gains the most skill points at the end of the week will be rewarded for their efforts.

Day 1
Starts of on a Sunday afternoon, Summertime, 7 Days until Fall.

Looks like Sofia and Tim didn't waste any time and are already hitting it off. Tim started talking about one of the only things he felt comfortable about, computers. Sofia seems interested, giving him all her attention, but could it be that she sees Tim as an easy win-over and has ideas of seducing him into an alliance, using him with only the end prize in mind? After Tim ran out of things to say about computers they just kind of sat there twiddling their thumbs in awkward silence.

Betti spied Sam from across the room and thought that he was a fine specimen of a man, she secretly hopes he will pose nude for her one day so she can sculpt him out of clay. She approached him and complimented him on his appearance. Sam appeared aloof and preoccupied, thinking of something that made him happy inside (probably his lover, Dilly Pidgin). They began flirting, she in earnest and he half-hearted.

Amy hopped on over to Des to introduce herself in her own animated way, they hit it off like they were old friends, getting to know each other, all smiles and laughs. In the background you can see Jenni standing over by Bach and Doug. Doug fidgeted with his sleeve while Bach admired him from beneath his long bangs. Jenni, well Jenni is starting to look a little green, and it's not a reflection off of her shirt, I wonder what could be the matter?

An hour in and so far everyone in the household seems to be getting along with at least one other person in the house, EXCEPT Lucy. Lucy was the first to wander off from the room. She didn't bother to introduce herself to anyone or even speak a single word.  Instead she went to inspect a plant on the 2nd floor, then got really excited over seeing one of the sleeping bags. I wonder if she means to sleep in it or if she get's some diabolical pleasure over the fact that someone else would have to sleep in it?

We're rather concerned about Jenni, she rushed to the third floor to the bathroom and vomited in the toilet - she almost didn't make it. We offered to have our on-staff doctor take a look at her, but she refused and assured us that it's probably just some bad shellfish she ate, but we're a little suspicious and will be keeping an eye on her. She still looks a little green, maybe we should give her a barf bag to hold on to!

Woah! WTH is this? Nick has a secret talent... reaching through walls to access our backwards bookshelves. The gag's on us then. Guess we'll have to move out all the bookshelves after all. We were hoping we didn't have to so we could just turn them around when the time came to allow the sims access to them for next week, but not if this can happen. We swarmed in to grab the shelves and Nick handed over the offending book. He was a little embarrassed by the whole situation, saying that he had always had a knack for reaching through walls (it came and went), but shrugged it off, then disappeared and reappeared at the front door (nah, not another hidden talent, the staff just decided he needed a glitch reset, hopefully no more reaching through walls for Mr. Bowman). Nick didn't seem to mind, he headed back to the kitchen to prepare hotdogs.

Though Sam was still thinking about his lover, he felt some attraction toward Jenni and decided to go talk to her upstairs in the bathroom. Jenni wasn't having any of it, she still felt sick to her stomach and anything Sam said sounded offensive (even though that wasn't Sam's intent). By her body language you'd think he asked if he could woohoo with her or something! By the looks of it, she's ready to tear his head off.

She got really ugly with him, almost snarling! Maybe we should have her looked at by our doctor anyway! Maybe she has madsimcow disease!!! Or maybe she's bi-polar, after a few minutes of bitching and snarling she started talking to him, wanting to get to know him. The staff and I are shaking our heads. You never know what to expect from strangers...

Once they started talking civilly, she found that Sam was actually Charismatic; huh, go figure.

But then Lucy crept in on tip-toes and scared the begeezus out of Sam, which put a wedge in his and Jenni's conversation. It was just as well, a few minutes later Jenni got sick again. Lucy joked cruelly that we may need to set up one of the sleeping bags next to the toilet for Jenni since she was having such a hard time keeping her head above the rim. She was cackling in a witchy way when Bach came up behind her and gave her a piece of her own medicine by scaring the devil out of her. We got a kick out of that! Our outside camera caught both actions.

Sofia, being the vain diva that she is, stopped to check herself out in the hallway mirror before witnessing the after effects of the dual action in the bathroom, when everyone had calmed down she praised Bach for his courage to scare Lucy.

While all the commotion was going on up stairs we missed what happened between Tim and Betti, they're down-right hostile toward one-another!

Jenni, Sam, and Betti all achieved the Personable Skills Challenge.

Night-time crept up on us as surely as Lucy crept up on Sam. The first two to hit the sheets (they went to a bunkbed, not a double bed) were Vadleany and Nick. Sam, Des, Lucy, and Amy took to bunkbeds as well.  With all the bunkbeds covered, we waited to see who would take the double beds and who would take the sleeping bags.

But then all of a sudden it was like they all had to go to the bathroom, and there was a lineup.  Lucy and Tim were doing their business (no, not together), while Doug headed in, and Bach, Betti, and Amy waited to gain access to the toilets.

Doug and Tim ended up in the sleeping bags and Lucy took the bunkbed that Amy had vacated earlier. Betti was the first to climb into a double bed. Amy wanted a sleeping bag and stood above the snoring Tim, shaking her head and tapping her foot before deciding that her growling stomach was an immediate priority before getting some Zs.

Jenni headed back to the bathroom, and though she was tired and hungry, her motives in the orange, her nausea had resurfaced and she didn't want to be far from a toilet... just in case. But fickle-minded as she was, she changed her mind and took the spot next to Betti in the double bed.

With that, and just Amy and Bach awake and a double bed left open, we close the night and say "sleep-tight simmies" until tomorrow as we doubt that anything exciting will happen between the two (unless there's a cat fight).


1 comment:

  1. Those girls keep picking on Sam and they are going to find out what he's like when he gets grumpy. It's not pretty. :D

    I'll have to add this blog to my bookmarks.
