[WARNING - this post has bare sims butts.]
After we left you last night, the producers and I deliberated and thought it would be best to make it mandatory for Jenni to take a blood test. She got up again during the night to vomit and we approached her with the request. She was hesitant at first, but acquiesced. Our simbot was able to give us an instant reading from the blood test and it turned out that Jenni didn't have any viruses or some such... The results showed that Jenni is pregnant.
Though we joked about what it could be that was ailing her (and we had an office pool going on... I won the bet), Jenni being pregnant gave us some pause. Being that this is our pilot season, we didn't have any precedences for pregnancies occurring
prior to entering the house for the show. We had allowed for the exception that a pregnancy might occur during the show by two or more Strangersims, but this we did not forsee and as such there was a little debate as to whether she should be allowed to continue or if she should be asked to leave and a replacement sent in.
{Jenni stands awaiting the decision, she's thinking about the beau she left behind, the father of her unborn child, and wishing that she were home with him to tell him the good news. She and Goodwin Goode, her lover, had had a fight before she got on the show, he was against her going and didn't approve. They had walked away from each other after some heated words, words that Jenni now regretted. She did love Goodwin. She knew he wasn't ready to commit to her and start a family, that is why she decided to come on the show. But this... this changed everything... didn't it? She didn't know whether to laugh or cry or do both, so instead she stood there moping.}
After meeting again with the producers, it was decided that Jenni would be granted a stay. What happened was the marketing department chimed in and said that it would be stupid of us to let her go, we needed to keep her for the ratings that this pregnancy drama would bring in.
So the morning progressed slowly, the Strangersims woke one by one, some were still abed when 11am rolled around (ahem... Sofia). Amy and Bach did end up getting into a minor squabble over some complaints Bach was spewing (just trivial stuff).
Most ate leftover hotdogs that Nick had prepared the night before, but Sam made Autumn Salad.

Nick is currently showing some promise for being a good cook - preparing mac and cheese (he was the first to cook in the microwave and will be the first to cook on the stove) and he also gained a level in cooking. Let's hope Nick is attentive when he uses the stove, because we're not sure he knows that there isn't a fire alarm in the kitchen.
Since Bach and the others were in front of the stove gossiping and wouldn't move out of the way, Nick couldn't finish cooking!
24 hours in the house and 8 have managed to make their way back to the kitchen thus far - apparently it's become their social hangout.
Amy, having had no sleep at all since she entered the PS House, started to fall asleep standing and ended up passing out.
It took a few moments before anyone realized it.
Lucy took the opportunity to let out a really nasty, silent-but-deadly stink bomb of a fart when everyone was focused on Amy. Do you think she will need to change her panties now? Eww.

While the air cleared... gag... we decided to check on the others upstairs. Three are just standing around like zombies and Sofia is still in bed, not sleeping now though, but relaxing and daydreaming. I wonder what she's thinking about? She got up as we were leaving to check on the others, she went to talk to Des. Could Des have been who she was dreaming about? Hmm...

Amy came-to and headed to the bathroom where she passed Bach, who had not slept either. After he broke the toilet, we found him lying on the bathroom floor passed out from exhaustion. Luck for him he didn't faint in the toilet water that was puddled on the floor.
With our first broken household fixture, we wondered who, if any, would be up to the task of fixing it or if they'd just stand around and not do a thing about it except to complain about dirty surroundings. We're betting on the latter.
We thought it might be safe to venture back downstairs to the kitchen/dining room (aka social hangout). Sam took it upon himself to pick up where Nick had left off with the cooking of the mac and cheese (we wondered why he never ate the autumn salad he made earlier... it still sat where he left it). [but mmm, mmm, mmm... who can resist a man cooking in his underwear, serve me up some of that any day!]
He didn't burn the kitchen down, but his first attempt at using the stove wasn't very successful and the mac and cheese turned out horrible. Poor, hungry, Sam. Will he eat the horrible mac and cheese, the autumn salad, left over hot dogs, or try to make something else before he passes out from hunger pangs? (he opted for the autumn salad)
Vadleany hadn't left the spot in front of the fridge, was she guarding it? But then Betti bulldozed her way over anyway.
And Jenni was still over by the dining room table, you'd think she'd at least wash her dirty dish rather than stand there idling. But we understood, her mind must be overwhelmed with thoughts of her pregnancy and the loved one she left behind.
Taking quick stock of the house, there were a few unmade beds, a broken toilet, dirty dishes laying about, and food left out to spoil. One of the show's producers is OCD and the neat freak in him is going crazy; however, cleaning and repair are things we cannot intervene upon, so it is up to the Strangersims to take care of it before it gets out of hand. We think it's only a matter of time before they start passing out from the smell (none of them have taken baths or showers yet) instead of from lack of sleep.
This came as a little bit of a shock, as our resident Mistress of Evil, Lucy, started mopping up the puddle from the broken toilet!
Our neat freak producer just might have a little crush on Lucy now, the whole staff is giggling and making jokes.

Then Des HAD to go sit on the broken toilet (even though there are 3 other WORKING toilets available), and made it overflow again just after Lucy had finished mopping up and telling him that it was broken. We heard her grumbling under her breath about what an
A-hole he was, and he, having heard her, responded by saying "kiss my a$$".
We expected a brawl between the two to break out. Didn't happen... instead, pissed off Lucy decided to do the same thing and make the mess even worse, she used the toilet and flushed, making even more puddles in the bathroom. Nick came to the rescue and started mopping up, and though he has the Lifetime Wish to be The Tinkerer, to our disappointment he didn't bother to attempt to fix the toilet.
Diva Sofia was the first to take a shower, which started a small trend as Betti and then Vadleany decided that it was past time that they get clean too.
Right after Vadleany showered she rushed over to the toilet (not the broken one, thank goodness) and vomited. Pregnant too? Nope, this one, we're pretty sure, had to do with the autumn salad, as by the time she had eaten it it had already spoiled having been sitting out all day long.
And that concludes Day 2 in the 12 Perfect Strangers House. Tomorrow, will they wash the dishes and fix the toilet? Will those who didn't shower yet get the hint that they stink? Stay tuned.