bellissimo sims
Beautiful Existence in Sims 3 Worlds
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
12 Perfect Strangers: Cancelled!
The network decided to cancel 12 Perfect Strangers, due to low viewer ratings. (Probably why I never watched an entire season of Big Brother, lol, got bored with it, sorry!)
However, stay tuned as a new challenge is in the works and we may be bringing back a few of the Strangersims for it!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Super CAW + new story line
Guess who got Super CAW to finally work on her computer? Uh-huh, this girl, woot! So happy, now to figure it out, haha, and as to whether I can make a decent world remains to be seen!
He looks scared, doesn’t he? I would be too if Sister Mary Agnes were looking for me.
Where the story starts - Norwich Pendulum Orphanage - Home of Abandoned Children {formerly Norwich Pendulum Hospital for the Mentally Insane} Using Pralinesims’ Abandoned Orphanage (slightly modified, but mostly inside)
And a new story line I'm working on Doe Nine.
This is a child regressed from a young adult I created for a story.
Though for this child form, I made some modifications so his face would
be softer. Initially, I had thought to start the story off with this
child, but I believe I will regress him once more to a toddler. I’d
start him off as a baby, but I want to save that part of his story for
Meet John Doe 209 (Case #209), or Doe Nine as he will become known as during his childhood and teen years.
Meet John Doe 209 (Case #209), or Doe Nine as he will become known as during his childhood and teen years.
He looks scared, doesn’t he? I would be too if Sister Mary Agnes were looking for me.
Where the story starts - Norwich Pendulum Orphanage - Home of Abandoned Children {formerly Norwich Pendulum Hospital for the Mentally Insane} Using Pralinesims’ Abandoned Orphanage (slightly modified, but mostly inside)
Sunday, December 29, 2013
12 Perfect Strangers: Week 1, Day 6

My first thought would be if the food is black (and it's not naturally black, and not licorice - though I personally stay clear of licorice), then it's likely burnt. Not only that, but you would think that there would be a burnt smell as well. Sofia didn't feel like cooking her own breakfast, and apparently it didn't occur to her to get some cereal from the fridge - so what does she do? She picks up a plate of horrifying burnt waffles that Vadleany had made sometime during the early morning or the previous night. (Shaking my head. When these sims were made, they forgot to give them common sense!)
Preliminary ratings were handed to me this morning. It's not good. The Strangersims are by far too lazy without prompting and intervention, and now sir crazy moodlets are popping up everywhere. We're breaking the rules, but we're sending them out for another reward/elimination challenge.
Catch of the Day Challenge. We will randomly choose 9 to participate in this challenge, the remaining two will be exempt and will have to stay home to tend to the baby. The 9 will get to spend time at a fishing pond and will have to fish until they catch at least 5 fish or until end of the night - whichever comes first. At the end of the challenge we will sell the fish in their inventory and whoever makes the most money from their catch will be rewarded with a trip to the movies. The three who make the least will be put into the randomizer where we will choose our eliminated Strangersim.
Since Des was eliminated yesterday we took away one sleeping bag. Most of the Strangersims are still asleep and will be given until noon to get their needs taken care of (on their own) before we send them out to start fishing.
#8 and 6 were chosen to sit out the challenge - Jenni (How lucky was that! She gets to stay and bond with her baby), and Sofia (she dis-likes children, but did ok in the baby/toddler challenge, go figure).
Amy was thinking about splashing through the swampy pond instead of fishing. That's some tall grass out there, probably loaded with mosquitoes - ick.
Catch of the Day Challenge Scoreboard
Vadleany - 3 anchovies, 4 goldfish, 1 rainbow trout ~ $48
Betti - minnow, toad, goldfish ~ $19
Doug - 3 minnow, 1 goldfish, 1 toad ~ $30
Lucy - 2 goldfish ~ $13
Tim - 3 minnow, 2 goldfish, 1 rainbow trout ~ $36
Amy - 2 anchovies, 2 minnows, 1 goldfish ~ $27
Sam - 5 anchovies, 1 minnow ~ $31
Nick - minnow, goldfish ~ $11
Bach - 4 minnows ~ $20
Vadleany was the clear winner taking home 8 fish, totaling $48. Doug was the only one to get a Very Nice fish, so he gets a little props - Go Doug, you're awesome! Nick, Lucy, and Betti made the least amount for their fish and have been assigned these temporary numbers for the randomizer: Nick 1, 2, 3; Lucy 4, 5, 6; Betti 7, 8, 9.
And... the next to take that walk of shame home is #8 ~ Betti. The household is exhausted and most have gone straight to bed (or in Lucy's case, she didn't even make it home, she passed out across the street from the house - she's so peaceful-looking when asleep, isn't she?). We'll wait until tomorrow afternoon before making the announcement
Adieu Betti! You're uncleansiness will not be missed!
She wasn't happy to leave and though our cameras didn't pick it up, she actually flipped us off! Well, then!
Tomorrow is the last day of Week 1. We will send Vadleany out to a movie in the evening and will snap a photo then, but other than that during the entire day we're giving them a camera free day (We need the break more than they do!). We'll pick things up again on Sunday for the start of Week 2!
12 Perfect Strangers: Week 1 Day 4/5
As promised we sent Sam off to the Summer Festival, with a bonus of maxed motives.
It was pretty empty there so he decided to stop at the food stand and get himself a plate of chili cheese fries! Yum!
We're really not sure he's having much fun, but hopefully some more people show up during the day so he won't feel as awkward.
Back at the PS House, we left the toilets in after all - two are now in need of repair and the other two are filthy. One of the showers is in need of a good scrubbing as well. If they don't learn a lesson soon, they're going to be out of functional bathroom fixtures.
[Where were these sims raised??? Geez, animals are cleaner than they are.]
Instead of removing the toilets, we're going with another mini-challenge. On an inaccessible part of the roof we placed a chin-up bar, a treadmill, and a workout bench. The three who got the least amount of points from the last mini challenge will be teleported to that area, in whatever state of motives they are in at the time. No maxing motives for these three (though we did deem it necessary to give them a stress reliever pill, since they all had high levels of stress). We're not monsters, we know they have to eat, so placed a mini fridge and a stool up there too.
Des, Betti, and Nick all got zero points yesterday, so they will be the ones to be placed in this challenge.
We call this the Roof Gym Challenge. They will have to stay on the roof as long as they can (or until the game resets them) and whoever gains the most athletic points by the end of the night will be rewarded with lessons in handiness - SimGod help us if they don't take the initiative to fix broken things after they learn the handiness skills! The loser will be promptly eliminated from the house. We realize that the challenge and elimination are impromptu, but hey, we're making things up as we go along! In pilot seasons we can do that!
I'd say that so far it doesn't bode well for these three. Nick went to inspect the Excersinator, but just stands there looking at it, cracking his knuckles and thinking of gardening. Des went straight to the mini fridge and grabbed himself a bowl of cereal, and Betti just stands there looking at the chin-up bar occasionally sniffing herself (she's exuding a visible green putrid aroma, I'm about to gag).
We might end up throwing in the towel, some of the Strangersims are starting to show signs of a virus - and we have reason to believe, to our utter dismay, that it's Accidentitis. We would have preferred Laughter Riot, but from the sounds of it, more things are breaking in the house. We'll wait it out until the end of the night. If things don't improve, it looks like Day 5 will be spent at the Virologist's office getting them their immunizations and sending them ALL to handiness school.
In the meantime, no further activity from the roof gym other than some mild (and stinky) flirting from Betti to Nick and Betti peeing herself. Ah, those embarrassing moments...
Sam's working on his athletics though, practicing soccer! Got to love Sam! If only some of the others would show even a fraction of his drive.
Well, it's past midnight, Sam is back home, the festival was a bust, he tried to enter the pie eating contest, but being that he was the only contestant (only person at the festival other than the concession stand tenders), he didn't bother to stick around to wait for someone to show up and join him.
On the roof... Nick checked his PlumbBook a few times earning him a Social Networking skill, while Betti and Des flirted with one another. Not one of them approached or attempted to use the exercise equipment. We're going to leave them on the roof, ha! But getting tired of them standing around doing nothing, the producers have given the go ahead to zap them with max motives. (definitely crossing fingers hoping that helps motivate them).
And indeed, we're more than certain that Accidentitis has hit the PS House, so the virologist will be seeing us all tomorrow. [Yes, even the staff has to, I'm not looking forward to getting a shot :( ]
Day 5
All Strangersims got vaccinated, the house was thoroughly cleaned and everything repaired. We randomly choose 6 of the 12 to send to learn handiness and gain a level 2 or 3, all determined by #s 10, 4, 8, 6, 11, and 1 were chosen (Sam -3, Doug -2, Jenni -3, Sofia -2, Nick -3, Vadleany -3).
The three on the roof are still on the roof and since they did not work out at all, we will be using to determine who will be eliminated. For this Nick is #1, 2, 3, Betti #4, 5, 6, and Des #7, 8, 9. AND SO.... we were given the number 9, which means our first Strangersim to leave the house is Des.
Bye-bye Des! He looks a little too happy to be eliminated, doesn't he?
We wrap up day 5 with Betti and Tim both having gained a level in Charisma. And close the night with Bach thinking he has Scarlet Fever.
It was pretty empty there so he decided to stop at the food stand and get himself a plate of chili cheese fries! Yum!
We're really not sure he's having much fun, but hopefully some more people show up during the day so he won't feel as awkward.
Back at the PS House, we left the toilets in after all - two are now in need of repair and the other two are filthy. One of the showers is in need of a good scrubbing as well. If they don't learn a lesson soon, they're going to be out of functional bathroom fixtures.
[Where were these sims raised??? Geez, animals are cleaner than they are.]
Instead of removing the toilets, we're going with another mini-challenge. On an inaccessible part of the roof we placed a chin-up bar, a treadmill, and a workout bench. The three who got the least amount of points from the last mini challenge will be teleported to that area, in whatever state of motives they are in at the time. No maxing motives for these three (though we did deem it necessary to give them a stress reliever pill, since they all had high levels of stress). We're not monsters, we know they have to eat, so placed a mini fridge and a stool up there too.
Des, Betti, and Nick all got zero points yesterday, so they will be the ones to be placed in this challenge.
We call this the Roof Gym Challenge. They will have to stay on the roof as long as they can (or until the game resets them) and whoever gains the most athletic points by the end of the night will be rewarded with lessons in handiness - SimGod help us if they don't take the initiative to fix broken things after they learn the handiness skills! The loser will be promptly eliminated from the house. We realize that the challenge and elimination are impromptu, but hey, we're making things up as we go along! In pilot seasons we can do that!
I'd say that so far it doesn't bode well for these three. Nick went to inspect the Excersinator, but just stands there looking at it, cracking his knuckles and thinking of gardening. Des went straight to the mini fridge and grabbed himself a bowl of cereal, and Betti just stands there looking at the chin-up bar occasionally sniffing herself (she's exuding a visible green putrid aroma, I'm about to gag).
We might end up throwing in the towel, some of the Strangersims are starting to show signs of a virus - and we have reason to believe, to our utter dismay, that it's Accidentitis. We would have preferred Laughter Riot, but from the sounds of it, more things are breaking in the house. We'll wait it out until the end of the night. If things don't improve, it looks like Day 5 will be spent at the Virologist's office getting them their immunizations and sending them ALL to handiness school.
In the meantime, no further activity from the roof gym other than some mild (and stinky) flirting from Betti to Nick and Betti peeing herself. Ah, those embarrassing moments...
Sam's working on his athletics though, practicing soccer! Got to love Sam! If only some of the others would show even a fraction of his drive.
Well, it's past midnight, Sam is back home, the festival was a bust, he tried to enter the pie eating contest, but being that he was the only contestant (only person at the festival other than the concession stand tenders), he didn't bother to stick around to wait for someone to show up and join him.
On the roof... Nick checked his PlumbBook a few times earning him a Social Networking skill, while Betti and Des flirted with one another. Not one of them approached or attempted to use the exercise equipment. We're going to leave them on the roof, ha! But getting tired of them standing around doing nothing, the producers have given the go ahead to zap them with max motives. (definitely crossing fingers hoping that helps motivate them).
And indeed, we're more than certain that Accidentitis has hit the PS House, so the virologist will be seeing us all tomorrow. [Yes, even the staff has to, I'm not looking forward to getting a shot :( ]
Day 5
All Strangersims got vaccinated, the house was thoroughly cleaned and everything repaired. We randomly choose 6 of the 12 to send to learn handiness and gain a level 2 or 3, all determined by #s 10, 4, 8, 6, 11, and 1 were chosen (Sam -3, Doug -2, Jenni -3, Sofia -2, Nick -3, Vadleany -3).

Bye-bye Des! He looks a little too happy to be eliminated, doesn't he?
We wrap up day 5 with Betti and Tim both having gained a level in Charisma. And close the night with Bach thinking he has Scarlet Fever.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
The Shyr Twins: Move to Neverglade
From this point on, the story will be told, first-hand, by Ellarain.
The trip to Neverglade was a long one, but we're here now and to our surprise it is beautiful! Nestled comfortably in a large valley at the foothills of a glorious and lush mountainscape, the town stretches as far as we can see. I took a deep breath of the clean crisp air. It's as if I'm breathing in purity, the quality of the air here is definitely a step above what it was back in Abbotsford.
Ellarian, or Rian, as I like to call her, slid to my side and wrapped her arm around me, giving me a tight hug. We stood there at the outskirts of town just drinking in the scenery watching as the sun set over the mountains. I could feel wonderment blooming within me, this is where we are going to live now!
Our Uncle Evindal had not lied when he told us that the town was new and we would be the first residents to move to Neverglade. It was completely empty except for the few sims who work in the community lots. Uncle's friend, Dane Barksdale, the developer of Neverglade, was supposed to meet us at City Hall, so I waited there while Rian explored the building.
I was napping under a red-leafed shady tree out in front of City Hall when Mr. Barksdale finally showed up. He made his apologies saying he and his team were testing the integrity of a bridge in his latest town and got delayed there. Rian met up with us and we went on a tour of the city. There are soooooo many houses to choose from, I don't know how we are going to decide.... But then we spotted the perfect house.
The Orchard House, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Located at Hungry Holly Street 78. It is perfect for us for a couple of reasons, it's not too big, it's not too little, and we love the two extra buildings in the back. Rian wants to eventually turn the bigger building into a garage for her vintage cars - did I mention she loves vintage cars? I don't see the lure and think that the rusty broken down cars she likes are eyesores, but it's what she loves. The smaller building we both agreed we'd turn into our hobby/music room.
Though we had a trust fund that our grandparents had intended for us to use at our leisure, once our Uncle took over the estate and the trust fund account, he limited our access to it - we'd only receive a small stipend each month. The house, we were told, is valued at approximately $108,000 (lower costs since they're trying to populate the valley and move these houses for quick sales). We don't have to pay that, as this is our Uncle's "gift" to us, but if we want to add/change/decorate it to our liking it would come out of our own money. We got a couple of things for the house, just comfort stuff, but mostly made sure our entertainment was covered and filled the hobby/music house and bought new cars - well I bought a brand new economical Toyota Prius, where as Rian bought a rusty old classic Retro Ride, and a broken down fixer-upper. We plan on redecorating slowly, we especially need to add another bathroom.
Money is now an issue for us, so we had to get jobs. I'm still not sure what I want to do in life, but I know I like music, so I'm going to give the Music Career a shot and see how I like it. Rian, surprise, surprise, got a job in the Motor Mechanic Career.
We're home now, home sweet home. Rian immediately set to work on her car, while I practice on guitar.

It started to get dark and we were both starving. Rian thought she would cook us mac and cheese, we'll unfortunately her cooking skills aren't that great and we ended up with a fire!!!
We both freaked out, and it took us a moment or two too long before we grabbed fire extinguishers to attempt to put it out.
The fire grew so large that it took out the cabinets on either side of it, including the sink and stove.
Our insurance company gave us a few hundred dollars for damages, but that didn't even cover half of what we had to pay to replace the stove, two cabinets, and a sink. It all but wiped out the rest of our money except for $531.
Needless-to-say we ended up eating cereal for dinner.
The fire put a little worry in our minds about our financial situation, not to mention the need to get a fire alarm (a burglar alarm wouldn't hurt either), so we put our heads together and came up with the decision that since we have an extra bedroom that has two single beds in it, we could add a privacy divider and put out an ad for two roommates. We'd require first and last month's rent at a monthly rate of $531 per roommate.
With that settled, we also thought it would be a good idea to try to work on our skills whenever we could so that we could sell whatever we made and turn a profit.
Living on your own is hard! I don't think we realized just exactly what it meant until now. Hopefully, someone will answer our roommate ad soon!
The trip to Neverglade was a long one, but we're here now and to our surprise it is beautiful! Nestled comfortably in a large valley at the foothills of a glorious and lush mountainscape, the town stretches as far as we can see. I took a deep breath of the clean crisp air. It's as if I'm breathing in purity, the quality of the air here is definitely a step above what it was back in Abbotsford.
Ellarian, or Rian, as I like to call her, slid to my side and wrapped her arm around me, giving me a tight hug. We stood there at the outskirts of town just drinking in the scenery watching as the sun set over the mountains. I could feel wonderment blooming within me, this is where we are going to live now!
Our Uncle Evindal had not lied when he told us that the town was new and we would be the first residents to move to Neverglade. It was completely empty except for the few sims who work in the community lots. Uncle's friend, Dane Barksdale, the developer of Neverglade, was supposed to meet us at City Hall, so I waited there while Rian explored the building.
I was napping under a red-leafed shady tree out in front of City Hall when Mr. Barksdale finally showed up. He made his apologies saying he and his team were testing the integrity of a bridge in his latest town and got delayed there. Rian met up with us and we went on a tour of the city. There are soooooo many houses to choose from, I don't know how we are going to decide.... But then we spotted the perfect house.
The Orchard House, 3 bedroom, 1 bath. Located at Hungry Holly Street 78. It is perfect for us for a couple of reasons, it's not too big, it's not too little, and we love the two extra buildings in the back. Rian wants to eventually turn the bigger building into a garage for her vintage cars - did I mention she loves vintage cars? I don't see the lure and think that the rusty broken down cars she likes are eyesores, but it's what she loves. The smaller building we both agreed we'd turn into our hobby/music room.
Though we had a trust fund that our grandparents had intended for us to use at our leisure, once our Uncle took over the estate and the trust fund account, he limited our access to it - we'd only receive a small stipend each month. The house, we were told, is valued at approximately $108,000 (lower costs since they're trying to populate the valley and move these houses for quick sales). We don't have to pay that, as this is our Uncle's "gift" to us, but if we want to add/change/decorate it to our liking it would come out of our own money. We got a couple of things for the house, just comfort stuff, but mostly made sure our entertainment was covered and filled the hobby/music house and bought new cars - well I bought a brand new economical Toyota Prius, where as Rian bought a rusty old classic Retro Ride, and a broken down fixer-upper. We plan on redecorating slowly, we especially need to add another bathroom.
Money is now an issue for us, so we had to get jobs. I'm still not sure what I want to do in life, but I know I like music, so I'm going to give the Music Career a shot and see how I like it. Rian, surprise, surprise, got a job in the Motor Mechanic Career.
We're home now, home sweet home. Rian immediately set to work on her car, while I practice on guitar.

It started to get dark and we were both starving. Rian thought she would cook us mac and cheese, we'll unfortunately her cooking skills aren't that great and we ended up with a fire!!!

The fire grew so large that it took out the cabinets on either side of it, including the sink and stove.
Our insurance company gave us a few hundred dollars for damages, but that didn't even cover half of what we had to pay to replace the stove, two cabinets, and a sink. It all but wiped out the rest of our money except for $531.
Needless-to-say we ended up eating cereal for dinner.
The fire put a little worry in our minds about our financial situation, not to mention the need to get a fire alarm (a burglar alarm wouldn't hurt either), so we put our heads together and came up with the decision that since we have an extra bedroom that has two single beds in it, we could add a privacy divider and put out an ad for two roommates. We'd require first and last month's rent at a monthly rate of $531 per roommate.
With that settled, we also thought it would be a good idea to try to work on our skills whenever we could so that we could sell whatever we made and turn a profit.
Living on your own is hard! I don't think we realized just exactly what it meant until now. Hopefully, someone will answer our roommate ad soon!
(picked out from google, thanks google :O)) |
Sims Photo Studio
It's about time my simmies get a studio to show off. I just converted some space in a cc salon building and turned it into a simple studio. Still need to play around with lighting and posing, but I like it!
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The thing in the middle is jomsims' wall 1 from the tulsa bathroom set downloadable at TSR. |
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[with my Shyr Twins] | Female twin poses by Dovahsiims. |
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Poses: Cabaret Poses by k2mtoo @MTS + Puccamichi Sims Calendar Girl |
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Poses: Mamyrocker RTS JUST ME! + Puccamichi Sims Fashion |
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behind the scenes (: |
12 Perfect Strangers: Week 1 Day 3
The numbers are in and these Strangersims made the Personable Skill Challenge: Vadleany, Lucy, Sofia, Tim, Amy, Nick, and Bach, congrats!
Yesterday, we ended the night with Vadleany's head in the toilet. Poor Vadleany, it just wasn't her night and just as we were wrapping up, our outside camera caught her peeing herself in front of a few of her housemates. Most embarrassing, I can imagine! She's a trooper though as she just stood there humming to herself until everyone left, then she quietly took herself to bed.
Lucy! I doubt she will cease to surprise us, we found her downstairs washing all of the dishes! She still hadn't showered, but taking it upon herself to wash every single dirty dish that her housemates had left around the kitchen and dining room really impressed us. Go Lucy! If she fixes the toilet we might just have to give her a special reward. She's starting to grow on me, just a little.
Just to make things a little more challenging for these Strangersims, if they don't fix the toilet by the end of the day we're going to take out the ones that are functioning. Let's see what they do without a working toilet. SOMEONE has got to get motivated enough to pickup a handy skill. Come on Nick, the future Tinkerer, we're rooting for you!

Did we mention that Bach is a hypochondriac? He woke up this morning forgetting where he was and now he's certain that he has alzheimer's disease and that he inherited it from his grandfather. He also thought he had Hemophilia because he dreamed that he stubbed his toe and the bleeding wouldn't stop. Thank goodness we didn't put any computers in the house or he'd be researching SimsWebMD where he'd find a ton more diseases that he could self-diagnose himself with. It would make for some entertainment though, wouldn't it?
With less than 24 hours to go before Jenni gives birth, we thought it would be fun to insert a mini-challenge, Paternal/Maternal Instincts Challenge, to get her and the household prepared for the new arrival.
We dropped off 2 babies and 2 toddlers at the front entrance, they'd be there at the house for the day: Christian, Brandie, Jedidiah, and Jonathan. They were really simsoid simbots, but the Strangersims didn't have to know that. With no cribs, high chairs, or toys for the tots, this, indeed, would be a challenge. But there are 12 young adults in the house, they can handle it.
Any interaction with the babies/toddlers will gain them 10 points, but since Doug was the first to pick one up, he got a bonus and scored 30 points. Points will be tallied at the end of the night and the one with the most amount of points will be rewarded with a day out tomorrow at the Summer Festival.
Jenni and Sam tied for the most points having interacted with the babies/toddlers 5 times each - we think they have good parental instincts! The toddlers and babies were returned to their makers.
Jenni went into labor very early in the morning, since she was one of the winners of the challenge, instead of giving her a day at the summer festival we provided her with a crib, and a baby swing.

Jenni gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Tanyl, he was born with the Athletic and Clumsy traits. The trauma of the birth cause Jenni to faint shortly after. She's fine now, just a little sore from hitting the ground.
Tomorrow we'll send Sam out to the festival, and we will remove the working toilets (no one bothered to fix the broken one yet).

Just to make things a little more challenging for these Strangersims, if they don't fix the toilet by the end of the day we're going to take out the ones that are functioning. Let's see what they do without a working toilet. SOMEONE has got to get motivated enough to pickup a handy skill. Come on Nick, the future Tinkerer, we're rooting for you!

Did we mention that Bach is a hypochondriac? He woke up this morning forgetting where he was and now he's certain that he has alzheimer's disease and that he inherited it from his grandfather. He also thought he had Hemophilia because he dreamed that he stubbed his toe and the bleeding wouldn't stop. Thank goodness we didn't put any computers in the house or he'd be researching SimsWebMD where he'd find a ton more diseases that he could self-diagnose himself with. It would make for some entertainment though, wouldn't it?

We dropped off 2 babies and 2 toddlers at the front entrance, they'd be there at the house for the day: Christian, Brandie, Jedidiah, and Jonathan. They were really simsoid simbots, but the Strangersims didn't have to know that. With no cribs, high chairs, or toys for the tots, this, indeed, would be a challenge. But there are 12 young adults in the house, they can handle it.

Paternal/Maternal Instincts Challenge Score Board
Jenni 50
Sam 50
Vadleany 40
Sofia 40
Doug 30
Tim 20
Amy 20
Bach 10
Lucy 10
Betti 0
Nick 0
Des 0
Jenni and Sam tied for the most points having interacted with the babies/toddlers 5 times each - we think they have good parental instincts! The toddlers and babies were returned to their makers.

Tomorrow we'll send Sam out to the festival, and we will remove the working toilets (no one bothered to fix the broken one yet).
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